Pinching out the soft growing tips of fuchsia plants encourages the development of bushy side shoots that will be covered in summer flowers. Ideally start pinching out in spring and continue until early summer. The first fuchsia flowers will be produced around four to six weeks after the last pinching.


You Will Need

  • Fuchsia
  • Scissors, floral snips or secateurs

Total time: 15 minutes

Step 1

How to pinch out fuchsias - fuchsia leaves
How to pinch out fuchsias - fuchsia leaves

On young fuchsia plants or rooted cuttings, allow two to three pairs of leaves to fully expand before pinching out the soft shoot tips.

Step 2

How to pinch out fuchsias - removing the shoot tips
How to pinch out fuchsias - removing the shoot tips

Use scissors, a knife or your finger nail to gently remove the shoot tips. Repeat the pinching two or three more times, allowing two pairs of leaves to expand fully on each of the subsequent side shoots. This may take between 10 and 20 days, depending on the speed of growth.

Don't forget to pinch out the tips of hardy garden fuchsias a couple of times. This will stop the plants becoming too leggy and promote masses of blooms right through into the autumn.