Fiddle-leaf, Ficus lyrata, is a sought-after houseplant with large, glossy, deep green fiddle-shaped leaves. It's ideal for growing in a warm, bright room, out of the glare of direct sun.

For best results, water Ficus lyrata only when the top inch of compost is dry, and let any excess water drain away. From spring to summer, feed every two weeks with a balanced liquid fertiliser and then sparingly in winter. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth from time to time to remove dust.

Fiddle-leaf figs have a tendency to drop their leaves if they're not happy with their environment. This could be due to the stress of being moved (bringing it home from the shop, for example). Once you've found the right spot for your plant, try not to move it again. Sudden changes in temperature, draughts and over- or under-watering can also cause the leaves to drop.

The sap of fig plants can be irritating to the skin and cause a severe reaction in hypersensitive people and pets.

Plant calendar


Ficus and wildlife

Ficus has no particular known value to wildlife in the UK.

Is Ficus poisonous?

Ficus irritates eyes and irritates skin. Its sap is toxic.

Toxic to:
Is known to attract Cats
Is known to attract Dogs
Is known to attract People
No reported toxicity to:
Is not known to attract Birds
Is not known to attract Horses
Is not known to attract Livestock
Plants that go well with Ficus lyrata