Autumn chrysanthemum pot

How to create a chrysanthemum, heuchera and carex container

This autumn pot combines rich reds and burnished bronzes – follow our easy steps to plant it up.

A table displaying which months are best to sow, plant and harvest.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
At its best
At its best

Plant is not at its best in January

Plant is not at its best in February

Plant is not at its best in March

Plant is not at its best in April

Plant is not at its best in May

Plant is not at its best in June

Plant is not at its best in July

Plant is not at its best in August

Plant is not at its best in September

Plant is at its best in October

Plant is at its best in November

Plant is not at its best in December

To do
To do

Do not To do in January

Do not To do in February

Do not To do in March

Do not To do in April

Do not To do in May

Do not To do in June

Do not To do in July

Do not To do in August

Do not To do in September

Do To do in October

Do not To do in November

Do not To do in December

Embracing the rich, earthy tones of autumn, this eye-catching container display is just the thing to brighten your patio or doorstep.

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The cheery chrysanthemum adds plenty of colour at the front of the display, while the foliage provides interest and movement towards the back. Deadhead the flowers as they fade to keep things looking fresh, and move the carex and the heuchera to the garden when the pot begins to look tired.

Take a look at all of our pot and container ideas for more autumn inspiration.

Follow our simple steps to create this autumn chrysanthemum pot, below.

Move the carex and the heuchera to the garden when the pot begins to look tired.

You Will Need

  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Slow-release fertiliser
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Heuchera (2)
  • Carex comans, bronze-leaves (2)

Total time: 15 minutes

Step 1

Adding slow-release fertiliser to the compost
Adding slow-release fertiliser to the compost

Fill a large container two-thirds full of multi-purpose compost. Mix in a measure of slow-release fertiliser.

Step 2

Planting up the container
Planting up the container

Add the plants one at a time, teasing out the roots of each as you go. Fill any gaps with more compost.

Step 3

Watering the container
Watering the container
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Move your chrysanthemum autumn pot to its final position and water in well. Make sure it doesn’t dry out in dry or windy spells.