Most gardens have features that could be hidden so they don't detract from the garden as a whole.


Depending on their location, structures such as sheds can cast shade, so plants that can cope with partial shade are ideal.

Discover five gorgeous plants to hide a garden shed, below.

Star jasmine

Richly perfumed and easy to grow, star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) will provide blooms throughout summer and evergreen colour all year. Take a look at some of the best climbers for wildlife you could grow, too.

Star jasmine


These gorgeous shrubs flower in the summer, giving off an intense aroma like that of orange blossom. Evergreen foliage will help to conceal the base of the shed. Take a look at some of the pittosporums to grow.

More like this
Pittosporum tobira


If you're creating a border around the shed, a low, evergreen hedge is perfect for edging it. Yew (Taxus baccata) is native and easy to plant, but you could also try box-leaved holly, Ilex crenata. Here's Monty Don's advice on how to plant a yew hedge.

Yew Taxus baccata

Miscanthus sinensis

With dramatic sprays of foliage and flowers, miscanthus are brilliant plants for year round appeal. Lush green leaves and pink-red flower plumes turn rich shades of yellow and gold in the winter months. Take a look at this expert advice on caring for grasses.

Miscanthus sinensis Malepartus


There are plenty of clematis that will happily grow in partial shade. Pictured are the sumptuous, deep-purple blooms of 'Warszawska Nike', which will look beautiful when it's allowed to scramble up and over a shed roof.

Clematis Warszawska Nike

More scented shrubs to grow
