Sitting outdoors on warm evenings is one of the pleasures of summer. As many of us work during the day – or work in the garden – this is often the best time to relax in our outdoor spaces.


Night-scented plants begin releasing their sweet fragrances as dusk falls. They've evolved to attract nocturnal pollinators, such as moths, and are often pale in colour, making them more visible in moonlight.

Plant night-scented plants around a terrace or patio, near an open window or next to a well-worn path to enjoy their perfume more easily.

More scented plants content:

Here are 12 plants for evening scent.

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Angel's trumpet

Night scented plants - brugmansia

The scented, trumpet-like flowers of brugmansia can reach 30cm long and range in colour from white to soft orange and red. Brugmansia suaveolens is tender, so is best grown in a pot and given winter protection. All parts of the plant are poisonous, so handle with care.

Hesperis matronalis

Night scented plants - Hesperis matronalis

The fragrance of Hesperis matronalis, or sweet rocket, is as sweet as a violet's, and most pronounced in the evening. It's a biennial, available in pink and white forms, and self-seeds readily around the garden.

Tobacco plant

Night-scented plants - tobacco plant

Nicotiana sylvestris is a tall tobacco plant bearing elegant, long, white flowers with an intense fragrance, especially in the evening. Grow it at the back of a border or in a large pot. It's a biennial or short-lived perennial that self-seeds readily.

Night phlox

Zaluzianskya ovata

Night phlox (Zaluzianskya ovata) is a neatly domed, compact evergreen. It is smothered with pretty, white scented flowers in summer. It's not reliably hardy, so is best grown in a pot and brought under cover during winter. Deadhead regularly.


Night scented plants - petunia

You may be surprised to hear that petunias are scented – especially at night. The Tumbelina series gives off a vanilla perfume. Grow in hanging baskets or pots.


Night scented plants - Wisteria floribunda

Many wisterias are scented, but Wisteria floribunda cultivars are said to have the strongest scent at night. Grow over a pergola or against a house wall, where the scent can waft in from an open window.

Star jasmine

Night-scented plants - Trachelospermum jasminoides

From mid- to late summer, star jasmine or Trachelospermum jasminoides produces pretty white fragrant flowers. This evergreen climber is borderline hardy and is best grown against a wall in mild areas.

Regal lily

Night-scented plants - Lilium regale

Lilium regale bears strongly scented, trumpet-shaped white flowers that are flushed with pink. Plants are easy to grow from bulbs, and do well in a sunny border or container display. They also make excellent cut flowers. Toxic to cats.


Lonicera periclymenum

Our native honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum, is an ideal plant for evening scent. Buy a good-sized plant and train up a wall, fence or pergola.

Night-scented stock

Night-scented stock Matthiola longipetala

Night-scented stock (Matthiola longipetala) is an easy-to-grow annual. The tiny blooms pack a fragrant punch. Sow in July for late-summer blooms.

Pinks (Dianthus 'Memories')

Dianthus Memories

Low-growing perennial with white, clove-scented blooms. Buy mature dianthus plants and grow in the ground or in containers.

Summer phlox

Summer phlox

Buy good-sized border phlox (Phlox paniculata) plants of this compact herbaceous perennial. Perfect for containers or the front of a border.


Scent for every month

Would you like some scent in your garden for every month of the year? Discover scented plants for every month.

Other night-scented plants to try

  • Night-scented jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum)
  • Evening primrose (Oenothera)
  • Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa)
  • Perennial white stock (Matthiola perennis 'Alba')
  • Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'