Wildflowers, such as cornflowers, scabious, and German chamomile are ideal for use in airy, informal planting schemes.


They're versatile too. Wildflowers work equally well in informal mini-meadows as they do in mixed borders, paired with perennials. Their value to wildlife can't be overstated, either. You can find out more about the best plants for bees and plants for butterflies, in our inspirational features.

Discover six beautiful wildflower plant combinations, below.

Ox-eye daisies, clover and bird's-foot-trefoil

Packed with nectar-rich blooms and floaty grasses, this combination is a real wildlife-pleaser. Ox-eye daises, white clover, red clover and bird's-foot-trefoil are scattered through the stems of the crested dog's tail grass (Cynosurus cristatus). You can achieve a similar effect by laying wildflower turf.

More like this
Golden/white ox-eye daisies and yellow bird's-foot-trefoil, with purple and white clover, amongst crested dog's tail grass

Agapanthus and corn cockles

Here, wild and cultivated blooms come together to provide pretty bursts of colour. We combined corn cockles with a deep blue agapanthus. Alternatively, try growing a cultivar like 'Midnight Dream', or other beautiful agapanthus cultivars.

Blue agapanthus with pink corn cockles

Cornflowers and Salvia 'Amistad'

There are so many stunning salvias to grow. This combination pairs the deep purple blooms of Salvia 'Amistad' with a sprinkling of slender cornflowers. You could also try the mountain cornflower, or cornflower cultivars like 'Purple Heart' and 'Black Ball'.

Blue cornflowers with purple salvias

Chamomile, corn marigolds and cornflowers

A combination of German chamomile, corn marigolds and cornflowers makes for an airy, cornfield-inspired display. The perennial English chamomile makes a good alternative to the German variety – both will release a refreshing floral aroma when brushed past or crushed.

Daisy-like flowers of German chamomile, with yellow corn marigolds and blue cornflowers

Orlaya and briza

This graceful combination of greater quaking grass (Briza maxima) and Orlaya grandiflora is perfect for a sunny spot. Hoverflies love the pure white blooms, while the grass flowers will flutter beautifully with the slightest breeze.

Delicate greater quaking grass and white lace flower

Scabious and crown vetch

This pretty pairing of field scabious and crownvetch is bound to be a hit with bees. You could also replicate this look in a pot or container, by planting up a wildflower pot display.

Lilac scabious with pink crownvetch

More wildflowers to consider
