We've put together a selection of our favourites to visit by theme, be it for autumn colour, wildlife-friendly/natural gardens or a taste of the exotic.

Kitchen Gardens

The Victorians and Georgians knew how to do it - feeding the grand folk of the stately manor with super-efficient walled gardens, orchards and glasshouses, growing produce of the highest quality. Many of these gardens have been lovingly restored and are a feast for the eye. Not only that, they may feed you too, in their very own cafés and restaurants. Producing an abundance of fresh and seasonal produce - including fruit, vegetables, salads, herbs and edible flowers – is becoming an integral part of sustainable living and something many of us are now trying in our homes.

We've picked 10 vibrant kitchen gardens taking part in our 2-for-1 Gardens scheme this year, perhaps to inspire some of your own home-growing?

Order your May issue with 2-for-1 Gardens guide online here.

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results

See more fantastic kitchen gardens