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Showing 1 to 24 of 159 results
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Honey fungus
Honey fungus can destroy garden plants. Find out how to identify and control it, in our guide.
- Plants
10 ways to avoid carrot root fly
Find 10 practical ways to protect your carrots from carrot fly, in our guide.
- Grow plants
Box tree caterpillar
Find out how to identify, and deal with box tree caterpillar, with advice from Alan Titchmarsh
- Grow plants
How to get rid of ants
Find out more about the ants in your garden, and ways to deter them.
- Solve problems
Apple and pear scab
Find out how to tackle apple and pear scab, and choose resistant varieties to grow.
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Apple sooty blotch
Prevent apple sooty blotch spoiling the appearance of your apples, using organic or chemical means described in our guide.
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Cabbage white caterpillars
Learn how to protect your brassica crops and nasturtiums from caterpillars of cabbage white butterflies.
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Carrot fly
Protect your carrots, parsnips and celery crops from damage by carrot fly larvae.
- Solve problems
Minimise caterpillar damage in your garden organically or chemically, with the help of our guide.
- Solve problems
Clematis wilt
Take swift action to save your clematis if it shows signs of fungal clematis wilt.