With new and exciting, online-only offers being added almost everyday, you'll be sure not to miss any, by viewing our most recently added offers below. Search plant offers by plant type on our main garden offers page.

Gardening offers
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Cercis canadensis

Cercis canadensis is a wonderful tree with attractive grey bark which is shallowly grooved. An explosion of deep pink, nectar-filled flowers, are held in clusters for several weeks during spring while the branches are still bare.

Supplied as 3 x 2L pots.

Gardening offers

Snowdrops In the Green

These Snowdrops in the green are transplanted to you with their green foliage intact giving you a guaranteed 100% success rate!

Supplied as 15 x UK-grown snowdrops, supplied as bulbs in the green

use code: SNOWDROP15
Gardening offers
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Rose ’My Valentine’

Give the gift of love that keeps on blooming! Rose 'My Valentine' boasts stunning deep red flowers and a sweet romantic fragrance—bringing beauty long after February 14th.

Supplied in a 3-4L pot, elegantly wrapped in brown hessian with a green bow and a heart-shaped plaque engraved with ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’.

Gardening offers
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Rose 'You're My Everything'

This hybrid tea rose dazzles from summer to autumn with creamy petals tinged dark pink, fading to soft pink. Fragrant double blooms attract pollinators, while glossy foliage transitions from deep red to green.

Supplied as 1 x bare-root plant.

Gardening offers
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Sarcococca hookeriana 'Winter Gem'

The glossy evergreen leaves of ’Winter Gem’ produce glorious little flowers, resembling little fireworks, which emit the most sensational and sweet vanilla fragrance you can imagine, especially on sunny days.

Supplied as 1 x 15cm pot.

Gardening offers
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Blueberry Collection with Decorative Pots

This collection will provide three months of harvest from June until August with each bush providing up to 5kg of fruit per season once fully established. Blueberries make brilliant patio plants and will grow perfectly in pots.

Supplied as 3 x 9cm pots (1 of each variety) and 3 x 25cm planters

Gardening offers
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Ultimate bedding display collection

The late spring to early autumn flowering displays you've always dreamed of! See a combination of Begonia, Busy Lizzie, and Geranium blooms from April to November, whether grown in beds, borders, or containers.

Supplied as 120 x pro plug plants

Gardening offers
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Patio Thriller Collection

Our ’Patio Thriller’ Collection is a treat, bringing together three of our favourite varieties for dressing up the patio, balcony, terrace, or decking with flower power.

Supplied as 120 x pro plug plants