Forget-me-not, or Myosotis, is a humble but glorious spring flower, which appears in frothy blue clouds at the front of borders and at the edges of paths. It complements other spring flowers, making a great backdrop for taller tulips or wallflowers, and naturalises easily for wilder-style plantings. It can also look great in a window box or container.


Browse our handy guide for growing forget-me-not, below.

Where to plant forget-me-not

Alan Titchmarsh & Plant Portraits (30th April 2015)Forget-me-not growing with hosta
Forget-me-not growing with hosta

Grow forget-me-nots in moist, but well-drained soil in a sunny or shady spot. Planting forget-me-nots alongside other shade-loving plants, such as hosta, pictured, can make for an attractive display.

Growing forget-me-not from seed

Planting forget-me-not
Planting forget-me-not

Sow forget-me-not seeds directly outdoors in May or June, or indoors in May, June and September. If sowing under cover, sprinkle seeds and cover with compost. Use a heated propagator or a warm windowsill to create the right conditions for germination. Once seedlings are large enough to handle, prick out and pot on. Flowers will appear the following year.

Propagating forget-me-not

Forget-me-not will self-seed easily. Either allow them to spread naturally or lift new seedlings and replant where you choose.

Pests and diseases

There are no pests that target myosotis, but foliage can be prone to powdery mildew or downy mildew after flowering.

How to care for forget-me-not

Most forget-me-not varieties are biennial, meaning they self-seed freely. Pull up the plants before they set seed if you don't want them to spread too profusely.

Advice on buying forget-me-not

  • Choose from seeds or plug plants – some nurseries and garden centres will offer packs of plugs for spring planting
  • Always check over plants for signs of pests, disease or damage, before planting

Where to buy forget-me-not online

Forget-me-not varieties to try

Water forget-me-not
Water forget-me-not
  • Myosotis scorpioides – the water forget-me-not is an essential perennial for wildlife ponds, either for the edges or in shallow water. It provides shelter for aquatic larvae such as tadpoles, and newts lay eggs in the leaves. Cut back plants after flowering and divide clumps every few years
  • Myosotis sylvatica – the classic forget-me-not is a biennial that grows in clumps with the classic blue flowers appearing in late spring. A biennial, Myosotis sylvatica, will self-seed freely, and produce flowers reliably most years
  • Myosotis arvensis – the field forget-me-knot is an annual forget-me-not, with blue and sometimes pink spring flowers that sometimes continue until autumn. The rosettes of leaves will sometimes overwinter successfully
  • Myosotis 'Blue Ball' – this cultivar grows in neat, compact mounds, to a height of 15cm, with the characteristic blue flowers appearing in spring and early summer
  • Myosotis 'Bluesylva' – a low, spreading biennial cultivar, the blue flowers have a yellow eye that fades to white
  • Myosotis alpestris 'Victoria' – with soft pink, blue and white flowers, this has a long flowering period