There are plenty of contemporary variations on traditional hanging basket displays to try. Creating a hanging ball of muscari (grape hyacinth) is a great way to bring a modern element to your garden.


You'll be forcing the bulbs to grow in a different way, so it's a good idea to use robust muscari, or other small bulbs like chionodoxa. When selecting your baskets, choose two that match and have wide gaps in the sides, so the bulbs can grow through.

This display will look great right through to spring. When it's over, try following our recipe for a muscari, stipa and pansy window box display.

Discover how to grow muscari in a hanging ball, below.

You Will Need

  • Muscari bulbs (50)
  • Hanging baskets (2), matching
  • Coir sheet or matting
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Timber boards (2)
  • Flowerpot (2)
  • Galvanised wire

Step 1

How to create a hanging muscari ball - adding compost to the basket
How to create a hanging muscari ball - adding compost to the basket

Balance the baskets on pots and line them with coir. Build up layers of peat-free compost, punctuated by rings of muscari bulbs placed around the edge as you go. Push the pointed end of the bulbs into the coir.

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Step 2

How to create a hanging muscari ball - covering the basket with wood
How to create a hanging muscari ball - covering the basket with wood

Cover the top of each basket with a piece of timber board and flip it over to encourage upward growth. Balance both baskets on the flower pots again, and water little and often using a fine-rose watering can.

Step 3

How to create a hanging muscari ball - standing the pots out of sight for winter
How to create a hanging muscari ball - standing the pots out of sight for winter

Stand the baskets out of sight over winter and wait for the bulbs to begin to sprout. In March, when the shoots reach about 5cm in length, it's time to join the baskets together to form a ball.

Step 4

How to create a hanging muscari ball - finished muscari ball
How to create a hanging muscari ball - finished muscari ball

Turn one basket up the right way and hang it from a bracket (the shoots will be upside down). Sit the other basket on top of it, remove both boards and join the baskets with galvanised wire.
