Why not try growing pulses indoors when the weather puts you off venturing outside? Mung beans and lentils are easy to sprout in jars and can be bought in most supermarkets and health shops.


Find out how to grow your own sprouting beans, below.

You Will Need

  • Mung beans, lentils or another type of sprouting bean
  • Jam jar
  • Water
  • Sieve
  • Kitchen towel

Total time: 3 days

Step 1

Mung beans soaking in water
Mung beans soaking in water

Soak the pulses in water overnight so that they swell. Rinse them thoroughly, then dry them on a piece of kitchen towel.

Step 2

Sprouting mung beans in a jar
Sprouting mung beans in a jar

Put the pulses in a clean, dry jar, making sure that they cover only the bottom. Rest the lid on top of the jar and leave it in a bright spot, away from direct sunlight. They should start to sprout within 24 hours.

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Step 3

Sieving sprouted mung beans
Sieving sprouted mung beans

Rinse the pulses a couple of times a day, pat them dry and return them to the jar. They should be ready to eat within three to four days.

If you get the sprouting bug, many of the seed catalogues, such as Suttons and Kings Seeds, sell a range of suitable pulses.
Seedlings. Photo: Getty Images.