The perfect time to plant a new hedge is between October and February. Bare-root hedging plants, like beech, hornbeam and yew are ideal as they're cheap and easy to plant during the dormant season.


Before planting your bare-root hedging, prepare the site by digging over the ground 30cm either side of the hedge line. Also, remove weeds and add bonemeal to promote root growth, as you go.

To get bare-root hedge plants off to the best start, it's critical that the roots are kept moist after delivery. Unwrap, then soak the bundle for an hour in a bucket of water, then plant.

Here's how to plant a bare-root hedge.

You Will Need

  • Bare-root hedging plants
  • Secateurs
  • Garden spade
  • Line and reel or length of wood

Total time: 1 hour

Step 1

Pruning the roots
Pruning the roots

Lightly prune the roots of the bare-root plants with secateurs to encourage vigorous new growth.

Step 2

Digging a V-shaped trench
Digging a V-shaped trench

Cut a V-shaped trench as deep as the plant roots. Ensure it's straight by using a taut line.

Step 3

Spacing the hedging plants
Spacing the hedging plants

Insert plants into the trench at 45cm spacings – this is suitable for most hedging plants.

Step 4

Planting the hedging plants
Planting the hedging plants

Ensure plants are at the same depth they were previously and tread soil in around their roots.
