How to take cuttings from house plants
We show you how to root house plant cuttings in water in four easy steps.
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The process of rooting cuttings in water is an effective method of propagating many types of house plant, such as pilea peperomioides.
Once cuttings have developed a good root system, they can be potted up in compost. On top of house plants, various tender perennials and summer bedding plants can also be propagated by this method.
If you're not sure about whether a house plant is suitable for taking cuttings, try taking a small cutting anyway. It's fun to experiment and see what takes and what doesn't. Once your new plants are established, they make great gifts and if you keep taking cuttings you'll have a never-ending supply to gift to friends and family.
Follow these easy steps to taking house plant cuttings, below.
You Will Need
- Plectranthus, or other suitable houseplant
- Scissors
- Jar of water
- Plant pots
- Multi-purpose compost
Step 1

Choose healthy shoots of new growth and cut lengths of roughly 10-20cm. Cut below a leaf joint with a sharp knife. Remove lower leaves to ensure a clean stem is submerged into water.
Step 2

Push the base of the cuttings in a jam jar or glass of water. Top the glass right up to its rim with water and stand in a warm, bright position.
Step 3

Keep the water topped up. Within a few weeks you should see white roots emerging from the stem.
Step 4

Once a good root system has developed, pot the cuttings in compost. Keep the compost moist and pinch out tips to encourage branching of plants.