Seven lacecap hydrangeas to grow
Discover our pick of seven elegant lacecap hydrangeas to grow.
Lacecap hydrangeas are instantly recognisable, with their flat flowerheads consisting of a centre of tiny, clustered flowers surrounded by a ring of showy florets.
Unlike mophead hydrangeas, lacecaps tend to be hardy and can be deadheaded in autumn if desired. Alternatively, save this job for spring. Lacecap hydrangeas don't need a great deal of pruning to put on a good show – simply cut a few of the oldest stems right back to the base of the plant, in late winter or early spring.
When planting any hydrangea, take care to not plant too deeply. Instead plant them at the same level as the soil in their original container.
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Discover seven of the best lacecap hydrangeas to grow, below.
'Mont Aso'

This compact cultivar of Hydrangea serrata has delicate flowerheads that appear pink on lime-rich, alkaline soils and blue on acidic soils. The outer florets have a lovely propellor shape. 'Mont Aso' is a good groundcover choice for beds and borders.
Height x spread: 60cm x 100cm.
'Lanarth White'

'Lanarth White' is a stunning, white-flowered variety with a reputation as one of the toughest, so it's a good choice for more exposed or coastal locations. While the florets will remain white no matter the soil pH, the small inner flowers can range from blue through to pink.
H x S: 150cm x 150cm.

A cultivar of Hydrangea macrophylla, 'Zorro' is a vigorous plant with large, exceptionally showy florets. It's ideal for growing in a good-sized border alongside herbaceous perennials.
H x S: 150cm x 150cm.
Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana

This unusual lacecap has large green leaves with a soft, downy texture. Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana has a more lax growing habit, so is ideal for planting in informal border displays. Give this magnificent shrub plenty of room to grow and expand.
H x S: 3m x 3m.

Named after the picturesque Jogasaki coastline in Japan where it was found growing wild, 'Jogasaki' is one of the many cultivars of Hydrangea macrophylla. It has beautiful double florets that surround the centre and can range in colour from pink to pale blue, depending on your soil pH.
H x S: 15ocm x 150cm.
Hydrangea aspera (Villosa Group)

Unlike the sargentiana subspecies, Hydrangea aspera (Villosa Group) has narrower, lance-shaped leaves. Handily, it doesn't need to be grown in acid soil to produce the elegant, mauve-blue blooms.
H x S: 3m x 3m.
'Veitchii' is one of the best-known hydrangeas, with pure white florets surrounding a centre of small flowers that range from pink to blue. This compact variety is great for mixed, herbaceous borders.
H x S: 150cm x 150cm.
Siting your hydrangea
Hydrangeas enjoy growing in moist, well-drained soil in dappled or partial shade. They're unfussy about soil pH, but remember it will likely affect the colour of the flowers. Avoid dry, south-facing spots, which don't suit hydrangeas.