This article has been checked for horticultural accuracy by Oliver Parsons.


Spanish bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica) is a vigorous, bulbous perennial that bears sturdy stems topped with clusters of bell-shaped flowers in spring above large clumps of strap-shaped leaves. The flowers are usually pale-blue in colour (occasionally pink or white), without any fragrance. Spanish bluebell is hardy, robust and easy to grow, but it can be invasive, spreading both by seed and by bulb, and is difficult to get rid of.

Spanish bluebell originates from Spain, Portugal and North Africa and was introduced to the UK as a garden plant in the 17th century, though it soon 'escaped' and was first recorded growing in the wild in 1909. It now poses a significant threat to our native English bluebell, as it both out-competes and hybridises with our native species. While Spanish and hybrid bluebells are not on the British Government's list of invasive plants, the charity Plantlife recommends that you don't grow them if you live near a native bluebell colony, for example, a woodland. This prevents any accidental hybridisation and therefore protects the native British bluebell.

Hyacinthoides hispanica is considered an invasive non-native plant in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where it is an offense to plant or cause it to grow in the wild.

What’s the difference between Spanish and English bluebells?

The native English bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) is famous for carpeting woodlands with millions of sweetly scented, violet-blue flowers in early spring. It grows in ancient woodlands and hedge banks, and the UK has around half of the world's population. The flowers are a valuable food source for bees, butterflies and other insects.

English bluebell flowers are mostly a deep violet-blue, and occasionally white. In shape the blooms are tubular, curling back at the mouth, and are borne on just one side of an arching stem up to 30cm high. Green, strap-shaped leaves are a maximum of 1.5cm wide.

Spanish bluebell flowers are unscented, much larger and more open than English bluebells, borne on every side around an upright flower stem up to 45cm high. Wide, strap-shaped green leaves are up to 3cm wide.

Spanish bluebells cross-breed with English bluebells. The resulting hybrids are the most commonly grown bluebells in British gardens. They look similar to our native bluebell but have straight stems, rather than arched stems. Also their petals are lighter in colour (sometimes pink) and their leaves are thicker. The hybrids are fertile and are therefore able to reproduce themselves, and can also make further hybrids with English bluebells.

How to grow and care for Spanish bluebells

Avoid growing Spanish bluebells if you live near a woodland where the native English bluebell is growing, to prevent hybridisation. Also bear in mind that Spanish bluebells are extremely invasive and may outgrow their welcome.

Plant dormant bulbs in autumn in partial shade where their invasive tendencies won’t harm nearby plants. Deadhead after flowering to avoid seeding. Wear gloves as the bulbs are toxic and any plant sap may cause skin irritations.

Where to grow Spanish bluebells

Spanish bluebell, Hyacinthoides hispanica, Getty Images
Spanish bluebell, Hyacinthoides hispanica, Getty Images

Grow in a wide range of soils, apart from waterlogged ground. Plant Spanish bluebells between or under large trees or shrubs, clear of other low-growing plants as they can develop into big clumps and take over the space. Spanish bluebell does grow in grass, but the large leaves take many weeks to die back, and in the meantime create bare patches by smothering the surrounding grass.

How to plant Spanish bluebells

Plant bulbs in September and October, 8cm deep and in small, natural-looking clumps, allowing 5cm between bulbs within each clump.

How to care for Spanish bluebells

Pink Spanish bluebell flowers
Spanish bluebell flowers

After flowering has finished, remove the faded flowerheads, then allow leaves to die back completely before removing by gently pulling up.

How to propagate Spanish bluebells

Dig up the bulbs while they are dormant in late summer, then divide into smaller clumps and replant.

How to get rid of Spanish bluebells

Spanish bluebell flowers
Spanish bluebell flowers

Spanish bluebell is a deep-rooting and prolific plant that is difficult to get rid of once established. Dig up and dispose of the bulbs in council garden waste collections, not on the compost heap and definitely not by dumping outside the garden as they will simply regrow and exacerbate the problem, potentially putting local native bluebell populations at risk.

To get them all out, you may need to dig up the bulbs for several years in a row. If you are in the process of removing them and others continue to grow, cut off the flowerheads before the blooms open to prevent cross-pollination with English bluebells.


Pests and diseases of Spanish bluebells

Spanish bluebells are not subject to any pests or diseases. Clumps of foliage are popular with snails, which may not be desirable if growing susceptible plants nearby.
