Be more efficient with the amount of water you use in the garden by setting up an automatic watering system. These irrigation kits are easier than you would think to set up, and are perfect for using to water your plants in the heat of summer. The best automatic watering systems water the soil and therefore the roots rather than spray the leaves.


The most sustainable irrigation systems are connected to rainwater butts, but you’ll need to fit a pump to achieve a similar pressure to a mains tap. Set it to water at the time intervals required – containers and vegetable crops for 30 minutes every day, borders for a similar time but just once a week. Some irrigation systems come with a sensor that monitors the soil’s moisture content and waters when needed, and some can be controlled remotely by an app on your smartphone. The more sophisticated the system the more expensive, but it’s an investment you’ll appreciate for years.

Follow our step-by-step guide to setting up an automatic watering system, below.

You Will Need

  • Automatic watering system

Total time: 30 minutes

Step 1

How to set up an automatic watering system - connecting the timer to a tap
How to set up an automatic watering system - connecting the timer to a tap

Connect your outside tap or water butt pump to the timer control box and reconnect the hose to the box. Set the timer to morning or evening watering sessions.

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Step 2

How to set up an automatic watering system - fitting the pipes together
How to set up an automatic watering system - fitting the pipes together

Attach the drip systems’ thinner pipes with a junction unit. Design the pipe lengths to suit the position of your plants. Push-fit connectors are easy to use.

Step 3

How to set up an automatic watering system - nozzles in place above the plants' root zones
How to set up an automatic watering system - nozzles in place above the plants' root zones

Fit nozzles to the end of the pipes to regulate the water flow, then position them in your containers or borders so the water is directed over the plants’ root zone.

Step 4

How to set up an automatic watering system - seep hose placed around a tree
How to set up an automatic watering system - seep hose placed around a tree

Arrange porous pipes or drip hoses around new plantings and veg plots. These seep water into the soil gradually through pores or drippers at intervals.
