11 plants with bold foliage
Discover some plants with large leaves - perfect for creating a jungle look or making a statement in your garden.
Plants with large leaves can make a real impact in the garden. Well placed, they act as a focal point, standing out from neighbouring plants with smaller foliage.
They're also perfect for creating a jungle or exotic look - and many plants with bold foliage are hardy, so they don't need protection during the winter months.
Large-leaved plants aren't just for large gardens, either - they allow you to play around with scale in a smaller space. Try introducing them into a small garden for impact and interest.
Discover 11 plants with jumbo foliage, below.

Cannas have large, paddle-like leaves that are often variegated, as well as brightly coloured, exotic flowers. Canna 'Phasion', pictured, has stunning leaves in stripes of green, purple, orange and pink, plus orange flowers. Cannas aren't hardy, so need some winter protection.
- Buy cannas on Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Suttons

Globe artichokes are majestic plants that work best at the back of the border - they form a clump of large, silver leaves that can reach 1m in length - they contrast well with the foliage of other plants. They bear large, thistle like flowers on tall stems in late summer and autumn. The seedheads are much loved by birds.
- Buy cardoons on Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Waitrose
Persian ivy

With large, variegated leaves that are splashed with yellow, Hedera colchica 'Sulphur Heart' makes a splash against a shady wall or fence. A vigorous grower, it bears balls of lime green flowers in autumn. You may also find it sold as 'Paddy's Pride'.
- Buy Persian ivy on Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Waitrose
Angel's trumpet

Brugmansia is grown for its bold foliage and large, trumpet-shaped flowers, which are have a beautiful fragrance. It's not hardy so is best grown in a container that can be brought under cover in the cooler months. All parts of the plant are harmful if ingested.
- Buy brugmansia on Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Suttons
Elephant's ears

Bergenias make excellent ground cover plants, especially in a partially shaded spot. The leaves of some varieties take on red tinges in winter and Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea' has unusual purple leaves all year round. Bergenias bear pink flowers on tall stalks in spring.
- Buy bergenias on Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Suttons
Ginger lily

Another great addition to a jungle-style garden, ginger lilies look to be more widely grown. They have paddle-like leaves and attractive, tropical-looking flowers. Plus, they're surprisingly hardy and can tolerate low temperatures in winter without any lasting damage.
- Buy ginger lilies on Crocus and Hart's Nursery

With their bold, deeply lobed, evergreen leaves, scheffleras are stunning architectural plants and are becoming increasingly popular in UK gardens. Many are hardy, including Schefflera rhododendronifolia, pictured.
- Buy schefflera on Crug Farm

Hostas are grown for their large leaves, which are often variegated in shades of cream, silver or white. Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans has large, puckered leaves, that can reach over 40cm long. It's foliage can be a magnet for slugs and snails, so it's best grown in a pot with some slug protection.
- Buy hostas on Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Suttons
Regal fern

Osmunda regalis is a giant fern that bears huge, bright green fronds that gradually unfurl in spring. In autumn, they turn bronze before dying back. Grow Osmunda regalis in damp, preferably acid soil - it looks lovely next to a pond.
- Buy Osmunda regalis on Crocus and Thompson & Morgan

Bananas look great in tropical garden schemes, with giant, paddle-like leaves and thick trunks. Musa basjoo is the hardiest variety; Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii', pictured, is tender, with red and green leaves. Grow in a sheltered spot, as wind can shred the foliage, and feed and water generously.
- Buy bananas on Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Suttons
Chinese rice paper plant

You'll need plenty of room for Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' - the huge leaves can reach 60cm and the plant can reach 2m high. Fully hardy, it's evergreen in mild winters and deciduous in cooler ones; it bears sprays of creamy flowers in autumn. Grow in full sun or partial shade.
- Buy Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' on Gardening Express and Big Plant Nursery
Pollarding for larger leaves
Certain trees, such as Alianthus altissima, Cotinus coggygria, Paulownia, Catalpa and Cercis can be pollarded - it means the plant is kept compact but has distinctly larger leaves. Find out more about pollarding.
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Other large-leaved plants to try