Celeriac, Apium graveolens var. rapaceum, is a root crop with a nutty, celery-like flavour. It works well as an alternative to mashed potato and potato chips, roasted, and in stews with beans and other root veg. It can even be grated and added to salads.
Both celeriac and celery were bred from the same wild plant. Celeriac is hardier and more disease resistant than celery, but the flavour and aroma of the plants is similar.
Celeriac is a moisture-loving plant and requires a rich, moisture-retentive soil in full sun. The soil should never be allowed to dry out. As the plants mature, remove the outer leaves to expose the crown and allow it to develop.
Varieties include 'Prinz' and 'Alabastor', which both have a good flavour and show resistance to bolting. The RHS AGM variety 'Monarch' is a smooth-skinned variety, making it easier to peel.
Harvest celeriac from October to March. You can leave the roots in the ground until you need them.