Cannas are found growing wild in the tropics of southern United States down to South America, and have lush green or bronze foliage and brightly coloured flowers, which appear from midsummer until mid-autumn. They thrive in moist soils in full sun, and look wonderful when grown in exotic ornamental displays in mixed borders or large containers, especially when planted with other exotic-looking plants, such as agapanthus and crocosmia.
Canna 'Semaphore' is a particularly striking variety, bearing lush, bronze foliage and fiery, orange-yellow flowers. A compact canna lily, 'Semaphore' is well-suited to growing in pots, either on its own as a feature in its own right, or planted with other exotic perennials.
For best results grow Canna 'Semaphore' in moist soil or compost, in full sun to partial shade. Keep plants well watered, especially if growing in pots. Being tender, cannas need a little protection to get them through winter. Mulch in autumn to protect the rhizomes from frost, or bring pots indoors.