Five waterlilies to grow
Discover five beautiful large and medium waterlilies to grow, suitable for large or medium-sized garden ponds.
Waterlilies are a beautiful addition to a garden pond, providing gorgeous flowers and large leaves that cover the water surface.
The size you choose will depend on the size of your garden pond. The spread of the plant is similar to the depth that it needs to be planted at: 90cm for large varieties, 60cm for medium, 30cm for dwarf and 25cm for miniature. Large and medium types are suitable for large or average-sized ponds; dwarf and miniature varieties are better for ponds in pots.
Here are five large and medium waterlilies to grow, recommended by Waterside Nursery at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016.
Nymphaea 'Gladstoniana'
Nymphaea 'Gladstoniana' is a large, vigorous waterlily with rounded, bronze-tinged leaves and beautiful creamy-white flowers. Ideal for a large pond.

Nymphaea 'Mrs Richmond'
The rosy blooms of Nymphaea 'Mrs Richmond' darken to deep pink with age.

Nymphaea 'Rembrandt'
The stunning deep pink flowers of Nymphaea 'Rembrandt' are streaked with white.

Nymphaea 'Attraction'
Nymphaea 'Attraction' has rounded, pinky-red petals.

Nymphaea 'Alba'
Nymphaea 'Alba' has beautiful white flowers.