Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as false acacia, black locust, common robinia, fragrant white locust and locust, is a medium-sized deciduous tree, native to small regions of the United States. It's widely grown as a garden tree, although it has naturalised in some parts of North America, Europe, Africa and Asia, and is sometimes considered invasive. It has dark green, pinnate leaves and drooping clusters of lightly fragranced white, acacia-like flowers from early spring to summer, followed by dark brown seeds that remain on the tree after the leaves have fallen.
In small gardens Robinia pseudoacacia can be a problem due to suckering from the base, while brittle branches sometimes develop, which may drop in strong winds.
Grow Robinia pseudoacacia in moist but well-drained, fertile soil. Prune from late summer to early autumn, taking care to remove any suckers at the base, by pulling them down and away from the main stem (remove them with secateurs if you need to).