Clay / Heavy / Moist / Well Drained / Light / Sandy
Sidalcea resemble miniature hollyhocks, bearing clusters of upright stems of pink mallow-like flowers from early to late-summer. Unlike hollyhocks, Sidalcea foliage is not affected by rust fungus, nor do the plants freely self seed.
Sidalcea 'Rose Queen' bears spires of large and vibrant rose-pink flowers, contrasting with rounded, mid-green foliage. It's perfect for growing in a mixed herbaceous border and works well with cottage garden flowers such as daisies. The stems are strong and wiry, so don't need supporting.
Grow Sidalcea 'Rose Queen' in well-drained soil in full sun to dappled shade in moist, well-drained soil. Cut stems back hard after flowering to encourage further blooms. It dislikes winter wet, so mulch with bracken or straw when frost or snow is forecast.
Sidalcea ‘Rose queen’ and wildlife
Sidalcea ‘Rose queen’ is known for attracting bees. It has nectar/pollen rich flowers.
Is known to attract Bees
Is not known to attract Beneficial insects
Beneficial insects
Is not known to attract Birds
Is not known to attract Butterflies/Moths
Is not known to attract Other pollinators
Other pollinators
Is Sidalcea ‘Rose queen’ poisonous?
Sidalcea ‘Rose queen’ has no toxic effects reported.