Trollius x cultorum ‘Alabaster’ is a moisture-loving perennial bearing beautiful, pale yellow, bowl-shaped flowers with a dominant central boss of upright petal-like sepals, in late-spring and early summer. It’s perfect for growing in damp soil in sun, such as around the pond edge or a bog garden.
Grow Trollius x cultorum ‘Alabaster’ in moist soil in full sun to partial shade. Deadhead spent blooms regularly for a longer display of flowers. A fast grower, it will should form a good-sized clump within a couple of years.
Trollius ‘Alabaster’ and wildlife
Trollius ‘Alabaster’ is known for attracting bees and other pollinators. It has nectar/pollen rich flowers.
Is known to attract Bees
Is not known to attract Beneficial insects
Beneficial insects
Is not known to attract Birds
Is not known to attract Butterflies/Moths
Is known to attract Other pollinators
Other pollinators
Is Trollius ‘Alabaster’ poisonous?
Trollius ‘Alabaster’ has no toxic effects reported.