A BBC Gardeners’ Word Magazine Best Buy winner, this traditional spade has a carbon steel blade and a long shaft to protect the back. Balanced and comfortable, it comes with a lifetime warranty.
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What is the Greenman Half Brite Border Spade like?
This traditionally made border spade has a carbon-steel blade. Half is coated with epoxy to keep it rust free with the lower part left uncoated so it can be sharpened. The blade and long socket are forged from a single piece of metal and the blade has wide treads to protect the boots and stop the feet slipping. The long, solid FSC ash shaft ends with a filled YD handle.
What is the Greenman Half Brite Border Spade like to use?
This is a hard-working spade that feels solid yet well balanced and it's nice to use. The YD handle is comfortable but the four rivets at the top of the socket stand proud and can catch on the hands when turning the soil or lifting plants. The long shaft eases stress on the back although taller users did find the spade a little on the short side.
Will the Greenman Half Brite Border Spade last?
The double rivets, filled handle and long, lipped socket make this a robust spade, unlikely to snap under pressure. The epoxy coating on the top half of the blade gives added strength and the ash shaft is weatherproofed to help it last as long as possible.
Is the Greenman Half Brite Border Spade good value for money?
This is a strong, long-lasting spade that comes with a lifetime warranty. We think it's excellent value for money.
Who is the Greenman Half Brite Border Spade most useful for?
Ideal for all planting and lifting jobs and for working anywhere that root disturbance must be kept to a minimum. Best for users of average height - taller testers found it a little short
Buy the Greenman Half Brite Border Spade on Amazon
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Border Spades - Buyer's Guide video