With the sun's warmth here to stay, July is the month in which exotic bulbs really start to shine.


Further south, many exotic bulbs will survive outside with minimal protection, all year round. On the other hand, if you live in cooler climes, you can lift the bulbs in autumn, or grow them in pots and containers.

Discover four of the best July-flowering bulbs to grow, below.


These exotic perennials are guaranteed to add drama to your borders, pots and containers. Pictured is Canna 'Queen Charlotte', but there are plenty more gorgeous cannas you could grow, too.

Vivid red and orange 'Queen Charlotte
Vivid red and orange 'Queen Charlotte" canna


Crocosmias are vigorous perennials, producing arching sprays of flowers in scorching hot tones. Plant the corms in full sun and give them a mulch in winter. Here's how use them to create a crocosmia, penstemon and rudbeckia container display.

More like this
Arches of deep-orange crocosmia flowers
Arches of deep-orange crocosmia flowers


Also known as sword lilies, gladiolus are borderline hardy, so can be grown outdoors in pots in containers or in the soil throughout the year in warmer locales. Further north, lift gladioli corms in autumn and overwinter them.

Bright-pink gladioli 'Kashmir'
Bright-pink gladioli 'Kashmir'


Pineapple lilies (eucomis) are perfect for bringing a taste of the exotic. Here's how to plant eucomis bulbs. Try growing them alongside plants like dahlias and salvias.

Spikes of mauve pineapple lily flowers
Spikes of mauve pineapple lily flowers