Shrubs that look good in November
We show you seven shrubs that are sure to dazzle in November.
The days may be getting shorter in November, but there are plenty of shrubs to light up the garden.
Some put on a spectacular display as their leaves change colour, while others offer bright berries and hips. Some even flower at this time of year.
Take a look at seven shrubs that look good in November, below.
Euphorbia x pasteurii
Euphorbia x pasteurii is a hybrid of Euphorbia mellifera and Euphorbia stygiana. The leaves are evergreen, but will become tinged with red in autumn. Honey-scented summer flowers are an added bonus.

Viburnum x bodnantense
The richly perfumed flowers of Viburnum x bodnantense will be making their first appearance in November, just as the intensely-coloured autumn leaves are falling. Grow near an entrance, path or seating area to fully appreciate it.

Cotinus coggygria
Cotinus coggygria performs best in a warm spot in full sun. Purple-leaved varieties transition to scarlet in autumn, while varieties with green leaves turn orange-red. If you don't mind losing the fluffy flowers, hard prune established plants in late spring for the best foliage.

Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens
Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens produces clusters of deep red, bell-shaped flowers in spring and purple-red foliage and dark berries in autumn. Enkianthus prefer soil that is on the acid side.

Enkianthus perulatus
This compact shrub produces pretty bell-shaped flowers, similar to those of Pieris. In autumn, the leaves turn a spectacular shade of red. Grows best in a sheltered spot, in damp, humus-rich soil that is neutral to acidic.

Most camellias flower in spring, but Camellia x williamsii and Camellia sasanqua cultivars, such as 'Crimson King' (shown here) bloom in November, providing welcome colour.

Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus has a generously long flowering period, usually from December to April, though it will often begin flowering earlier. A great shrub for shade where the evergreen leaves will provide year round interest. Viburnum x bodnantense is a lovely alternative.