Six summer perennials for August
We recommend six late-summer perennials to grow for dazzling August displays.
Ensure summer goes out with a bang by filling your garden with stunning, August-flowering perennials.
Of course, the display doesn't need to end on the last day of August – help extend the flowering of many plants by deadheading frequently. Don't forget to include foliage plants, such as ornamental grasses, to boost the movement and texture in your plot.
Discover six summer perennials for August to grow, below.
Dahlias really are at their peak in late summer and autumn. Pictured is a semi-cactus dahlia, Dahlia 'Rev P. Holian' – discover more cactus and semi-cactus dahlias to grow. Don't forget to grow beautiful single-flowered dahlias, so pollinators can access the pollen and nectar.

These lovely perennials are a doddle to grow. Moist, partial shade is best, and you'll be rewarded with charming, starry blooms. Take a look at 10 varieties of astrantia to grow.

Red-hot pokers (Kniphofia) are perfect for turning up the heat in containers, beds and borders. 'Ice Queen' has white-hot blooms, while those of 'Nancy's Red' are a more mellow red-orange. Grow in full sun, in moist, well-drained soil.

Wildlife-friendly, beautiful blooms and attractive foliage – it's hard to beat salvias. Here are 16 spectacular salvias you could grow. Deadhead to keep the flowers coming.

Japanese anemones
Japanese anemones are dependable, summer perennials for August that can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Most cultivars should be coming into flower in August. Simply mulch in spring and avoid transplanting, as they dislike this.

This includes the many species that were formerly placed in the genus Aster, but are now grouped differently, including Eurybia macrophyllus and Symphyotrichum 'Little Carlow'. Cut back hard after flowering.