What to do during December in your garden and greenhouse.

Your monthly gardening checklists


Prune climbing roses before February


Fruit and veg

  • Place straw around the base of parsnips to prevent the soil freezing, which can make harvesting difficult
  • Plant blackberries, such as thornless 'Loch Ness', for easy pickings of large, sweet, juicy fruits
  • Winter prune large fruit trees, such as apples and pears, to control their shape and size, and to increase their productivity
  • Plant fruit trees trained as cordons, fans or espaliers to make good use of limited space
  • Start to plan next year's crops and order seeds
  • Tidy up raspberry and blackberry beds – weed and mulch with compost, then tie new stems to support wires
  • Lift and divide large clumps of rhubarb, replanting the outer sections into soil enriched with well-rotted manure
  • Keep kale, winter cabbages and other brassicas covered with netting to protect them from hungry pigeons
  • Finish clearing old crops and debris from the veg plot, but only compost healthy material
  • Remove yellowed leaves on brassicas, so fungal diseases such as grey mould and downy mildew don't take hold
  • Make sure Brussels sprouts don't topple over in strong winds - tie to a cane for support and earth up the stems
  • Prune grapevines, cutting back side-branches to one or two buds from the main stem

Cut back grapevines


  • Pot up a clump of rhubarb and place under a large bin to force an early crop of sweet stems
  • Pick faded leaves and dead flowers regularly from plants overwintering in the greenhouse, such as pelargoniums
  • Pinch out the tips of autumn-sown sweet peas to encourage bushier growth
  • Deadhead indoor azaleas, water regularly and provide cool conditions, away from radiators, to prolong flowering
  • Monitor greenhouse temperatures with a max-min thermometer to ensure heaters are working efficiently
  • Bring hyacinths growing in the greenhouse into your home to flower, placing in a cool, bright spot
  • Water plants sparingly to keep the greenhouse as dry as possible, which should reduce outbreaks of disease
  • Prune greenhouse grapevines while dormant
  • Water florists' cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) from below, and deadhead regularly to encourage more blooms
  • Check overwintering plants in the greenhouse for red spider mite and other pests, and treat if necessary

Grow cacti from seed


House plants

Amaryllis 'Carmen'

Garden maintenance

  • Top up bird baths with fresh water every day during frosty weather
  • Bring all watering equipment indoors, including hoses and sprinklers, so they don't freeze and split
  • Scoop fallen leaves and debris from ponds, leave on the side so pond life can escape, then add to the compost bin
  • Stand your Christmas tree in a bucket of water in a sheltered spot outdoors until it's time to bring it indoors
  • Clear out your shed, and organise and clean your tools
  • Check tree ties and stakes are firm enough to stand up to winter storms
  • Prune blackcurrants once dormant, removing about a quarter of the old stems
  • Order well-rotted manure or mushroom compost to dig in over winter or spread over bare soil as mulch for worms to take down
  • Order summer-flowering bulbs such as lilies and gladioli

Order your bulbs for next summer


Gardening offers
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Begonia ’Apricot Fiery Shades’

’Apricot Fiery Shades’ produces blousy, double-blooms in wonderfully warm shades of yellow, gold, apricot, orange and ochre that will fill your hanging baskets and patio containers with colour all summer-long.

Supplied as 12 x plug plants plus another 12 for free.

Your guide to Roses - on sale now
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Your guide to Roses

Love roses? Our newest special edition, Your Guide to Roses, is on sale now. It’s full of expert advice to ensure successful blooms, and just in time for winter bare-root planting season. On sale in stores and online now. Subscribers can save 25% by entering their subscriber number at checkout!