Six pansy container ideas
Little beats pansies for quick, easy colour – check out six container ideas.
If you're after a quick splash of winter colour, reach for a tray of cheery little pansies.
Coming in at around 50p per plant, especially if you buy multi-packs, you'll have flowers in all but the harshest weather, lasting well into spring with some regular deadheading.
Pack winter containers with just pansies or smaller-flowered violas for instant impact, or tuck their sunny faces among other plants. They brighten up evergreens, complement winter-flowering shrubs and add dabs of colour to winter foliage displays.
For more container inspiration, check out our favourite plants for containers, spring container ideas and upcycled containers for the garden.
We've put together some easy container ideas using pansies and violas in combination with other plants.
Bright and dark
Purple pansies shine out against the dark heuchera leaves. Heucheras produce pretty summer flowers, too, making this a great long-season container.
We used: Purple violas, Heucherella 'Stoplight' and Heuchera 'Obsidian'.
Other plants to try: Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea', Ajuga Reptans 'Atropurpurea', purple ornamental kale, wallflower 'Purple Shades'.

Pretty and pink
Candy-pink heather and rich plum pansies look vibrant in a glazed, green terracotta pot. Add scarlet berries with a skimmia.
We used: Deep-pink heather, Skimmia japonica and maroon pansies.
Other plants to try: Gaultheria procumbens, Cyclamen coum and Hebe 'Heartbreaker'.

Tasty treat
Cheery violas look great with evergreen herbs. Place in a sunny spot by the door and pick the herbs as you need them.
We used: rosemary, thyme, white and orange violas.
Other plants to try: sage, winter savory, yellow and orange primroses.

Burgundy glow
These bonfire shades warm the chilliest winter's day. The photinia makes a gorgeous year-round shrub for the garden once it outgrows the pot.
We used: Carex 'Red Rooster', Photinia 'Red Robin', Heuchera 'Sunrise' and burgundy/yellow violas.
Other plants to use: Nandina domestica, Cornus alba 'Sibirica', Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea' and copper-coloured wallflowers.

Shades of pale
Pastel shades take on an ice-cool elegance against silvery white-variegated foliage.
We used: Variegated ivy, blue/white violas.
Other plants to use: Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen', Helichrysum italicum and forget-me-nots.

Window dressing
In a sheltered spot, this display will be full of flowers right through autumn, and then take the pansies over.
We used: pennisetum, myrtle, Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea', Dryopteris erythrosora, pansy 'Wine Flash', Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby' and Sedum 'Dragon's Blood'.
Other plants to use: Heuchera 'Palace Purple', Cosmos 'Rubenza', hosta, variegated ivy, red bellis, daisies.

Eat your violas
Viola petals are edible – sprinkle them onto winter salads for an unusual extra ingredient. Discover more edible flowers to grow.
These bonfire shades warm the chilliest winter's day. The photinia makes a gorgeous year-round shrub for the garden once it outgrows the pot.
We used: Carex 'Red Rooster', Photinia 'Red Robin', Heuchera 'Sunrise' and burgundy/yellow violas.
Other plants to use: Nandina domestica, Cornus alba 'Sibirica', Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea' and copper-coloured wallflowers.

Shades of pale
Pastel shades take on an ice-cool elegance against silvery white-variegated foliage. Add snowdrop bulbs for extra early-season loveliness.
We used: Variegated ivy, blue/white violas.
Other plants to use: Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen', Helichrysum italicum and forget-me-nots.

Window dressing
In a sheltered spot, this display will be full of flowers right through autumn, and then take the pansies over.
We used: pennisetum, myrtle, Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea', Dryopteris erythrosora, pansy 'Wine Flash', Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby' and Sedum 'Dragon's Blood'.
Other plants to use: Heuchera 'Palace Purple', Cosmos 'Rubenza', hosta, variegated ivy, red bellis, daisies.

Eat your violas
Viola petals are edible – sprinkle them onto winter salads for an unusual extra ingredient. Discover more edible flowers to grow.