What to do during April in your garden and greenhouse.
Your monthly gardening checklists
- Pick off any developing seedheads on daffodils and other spring bulbs, but leave the foliage to die back naturally
- Finish pruning roses early in the month
- Cut dogwoods, willows, cotinus and paulownia right down to the base to promote vigorous new growth
- Tidy up alpines as they start to flower, removing dead foliage, then mulch with grit to keep the foliage off damp soil
- Plant faded forced bulbs out in the garden for blooms next year
- Plant lilies and other summer-flowering bulbs in pots and borders. Take a look at our complete guide to planting bulbs.
- Feed ericaceous shrubs, such as rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias and pieris, with an ericaceous fertiliser
- Tidy up borders, removing established and newly-germinating weeds. Watch how Monty weeds by hand.
- Mulch borders generously with garden compost
- Plant new roses and other shrubs and climbers
- Sow wildflower seeds in trays or modules, to produce plants for your own mini-meadow
- Check tender new shoots for aphids, and remove before infestations get out of hand
- Continue deadheading spring flowers and any remaining winter bedding so they don't set seed
- Take a look at this video for tips on the best plant feeds and fertilisers to use in spring.
Fruit and veg
- Avoid carrot root fly by sowing an early crop of carrots under cloches or fleece
- Sow tomatoes, chillies, sweet peppers and aubergines in pots indoors
- Plant Jerusalem artichoke tubers, at a depth of 10-15cm, spaced about 30cm apart
- Buy young herbs to plant in containers near your back door, for handy pickings
- Plant onion and shallot sets, spacing them 10-15cm apart
- Make the first outdoor sowings of hardy veg, such as spinach, covering with cloches or fleece - find out how else to protect young veg plants
- Plant early potatoes in trenches on the veg plot, or in large tubs if space is limited. Find out more about the different types of potato
- Sow parsnips as soon as the soil starts to warm up, as they're slow to germinate and need a long growing season
- Plant a fig tree in a large container to restrict its roots, which encourages fruiting and limits its overall size
- Feed cabbages and other brassicas with nitrogen-rich fertiliser, such as pelleted chicken manure
- Plant bare-root asparagus crowns in well-drained soil or raised beds, in an open, sunny spot
- Start hoeing veg beds as soon as the weather starts to warm up, as weeds will germinate quickly
- Plant strawberries in a hanging basket to keep the fruits away from slugs
- Give blackcurrant bushes a high-nitrogen feed
House plants
- Water your house plants more regularly as the temperatures warm, check the soil before watering. Take a look at our guide to watering house plants
- Maximise the amount of light your house plants receive by moving to brighter spots, or choose house plants that will grow in shadier spots
- Some house plants, like snake plants, are particularly prone to collecting dust on their leaves. So be sure to give these a wipe regularly
- Try and keep house plants away from temperature fluctuations caused by draughts or central heating
- Check your house plants for pests like aphids, scale insect, thrips and mealybugs
For more house plant advice and inspiration visit our Growing and caring for house plants page
- Get crops off to a good start indoors to transplant into the garden later, such as celeriac, celery, lettuces and parsley
- Take down bubble insulation in the greenhouse once temperatures start to rise, to let in more light
- Sow a selection of vibrant annual climbers, such as Spanish flag (Ipomoea lobata) and black-eyed Susan (Thunbergia alata 'Arizona Glow')
- Buy good value young bedding plants for growing on to a larger size under glass, or sow your own in a heated propagator
- Sow dwarf French beans in a large pot for an early indoor crop in June
- Plant prepared freesia bulbs in pots of rich, loam-based compost, for fragrant flowers indoors this summer
- Pot up overwintering cannas into fresh compost, water in, then place in a warm spot to spur them into growth
- Sow sweet peas in deep pots and keep them frost-free in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill
- Take cuttings from dahlia tubers planted last month to raise new plants
- Protect greenhouse sowings of peas, mangetouts and sweet peas from hungry mice
- Be vigilant for greenhouse and houseplant pests, such as mealy bugs, and treat straight away
- Open greenhouse vents on sunny days to prevent humidity building up. Take a look at what else to do to prepare your greenhouse for spring.
- Take basal cuttings from perennials, such as delphiniums and lupins, to root in a pot indoors
Garden maintenance
- Find out how to give your lawn a spring boost
- Build or buy a new compost bin, ready to recycle the coming season's garden waste
- Dig out a new pond, or install a water feature, to attract more wildlife
- Put slug barrier products around the new shoots of hostas and other susceptible perennials. Find out how to deal with slugs and snails organically
- Replant pots of bulbs from indoors into borders, once the display is over, then water in well and apply liquid feed
- Check that tree ties aren't too tight and that stakes are still firmly anchored in the ground
- Prune out any wind-damaged branches on trees and shrubs
- Fork up emerging shoots of perennial weeds, such as ground elder, removing every bit of root
- Place bug boxes or bundles of hollow stems in sheltered corners, where insects can lay their eggs. Find out how to make a bug box
- Keep putting out food for garden birds, as the breeding season gets underway
- Chop down winter-grown green manure and dig into the soil, to get the veg plot ready for sowing
- Cut back winter-flowering jasmine to keep it within bounds and encourage flowers next year
Gardening offers

Begonia Amber Delight
Begonia ’Amber Delight’ provide the garden with a profusion of flowers in exotic shades of orange, gold, yellow and red.
Supplied as 60 x pro+ plug plants. Plus, free P&P.
Gardening offers

Superb Asparagus Collection
The taste of freshly cut asparagus far exceeds those sold in the shops. Appetising Asparagus Collection contains 3 of the best for flavour (raw or cooked), yield and reliability.
Supplied as bare-root plants.
Gardening offers

All Season Blueberry Collection
A must-have for blueberry lovers, the All Season Blueberry Collection keeps you stocked with tasty fruit and grows easily in gardens and allotments.
Supplied as 3 x 9cm pots (1 of each).