
  • Pick off any developing seedheads on daffodils and other spring bulbs, but leave the foliage to die back naturally
  • Finish pruning roses early in the month
  • Cut dogwoods, willows, cotinus and paulownia right down to the base to promote vigorous new growth
  • Tidy up alpines as they start to flower, removing dead foliage, then mulch with grit to keep the foliage off damp soil
  • Plant faded forced bulbs out in the garden for blooms next year
  • Plant lilies and other summer-flowering bulbs in pots and borders. Take a look at our complete guide to planting bulbs.
  • Feed ericaceous shrubs, such as rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias and pieris, with an ericaceous fertiliser
  • Tidy up borders, removing established and newly-germinating weeds. Watch how Monty weeds by hand.
  • Mulch borders generously with garden compost
  • Plant new roses and other shrubs and climbers
  • Sow wildflower seeds in trays or modules, to produce plants for your own mini-meadow
  • Check tender new shoots for aphids, and remove before infestations get out of hand
  • Continue deadheading spring flowers and any remaining winter bedding so they don't set seed
  • Take a look at this video for tips on the best plant feeds and fertilisers to use in spring.
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Fruit and veg

House plants

  • Water your house plants more regularly as the temperatures warm, check the soil before watering. Take a look at our guide to watering house plants
  • Maximise the amount of light your house plants receive by moving to brighter spots, or choose house plants that will grow in shadier spots
  • Some house plants, like snake plants, are particularly prone to collecting dust on their leaves. So be sure to give these a wipe regularly
  • Try and keep house plants away from temperature fluctuations caused by draughts or central heating
  • Check your house plants for pests like aphids, scale insect, thrips and mealybugs  

For more house plant advice and inspiration visit our Growing and caring for house plants page


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Garden maintenance

  • Find out how to give your lawn a spring boost
  • Build or buy a new compost bin, ready to recycle the coming season's garden waste 
  • Dig out a new pond, or install a water feature, to attract more wildlife
  • Put slug barrier products around the new shoots of hostas and other susceptible perennials. Find out how to deal with slugs and snails organically
  • Replant pots of bulbs from indoors into borders, once the display is over, then water in well and apply liquid feed
  • Check that tree ties aren't too tight and that stakes are still firmly anchored in the ground
  • Prune out any wind-damaged branches on trees and shrubs
  • Fork up emerging shoots of perennial weeds, such as ground elder, removing every bit of root
  • Place bug boxes or bundles of hollow stems in sheltered corners, where insects can lay their eggs. Find out how to make a bug box
  • Keep putting out food for garden birds, as the breeding season gets underway
  • Chop down winter-grown green manure and dig into the soil, to get the veg plot ready for sowing
  • Cut back winter-flowering jasmine to keep it within bounds and encourage flowers next year
£12.99 £47.96 Supplied as 4 x 9cm potted plants (1 of each variety)

Azaleas are perfect for adding late spring impact to your gardens. These dwarf, evergreen plants add a splash of colour just as spring bulbs fade, and their compact growth makes them ideal for patio containers and borders.

Ends in:
£14.99 £29.99 Supplied as 300 mixed bulbs. Plus, free 100g sachet of fertiliser - worth £4.99.

Transform your garden with months of vibrant colour each year. From February right through to June enjoy a dazzling array of colours and variety of shapes from these brilliant plants. Versatile and perfect for borders, flower beds, pots and containers for colourful displays, bulbs can naturalise through grass, providing bigger and better displays each year.

Offer Ends:
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