What to do during September in your garden and greenhouse.

Your monthly gardening checklists


Plant up pots for Autumn interest and colour.
Summer prune apple and pear trees


  • Plant prepared hyacinth bulbs in pots or hyacinth glasses, for fragrant indoor flowers at Christmas
  • Take down greenhouse shade netting or wash off shading paint by the end of the month, as light levels start to fall
  • Stay vigilant for pests and diseases in the greenhouse, and treat any you find immediately
  • Plant dwarf spring bulbs in pots, including irises, crocuses, chionodoxa and scilla, for early flowers
  • Pot up tender perennials, such as fuchsias and osteospermum, from summer displays and bring indoors before temperatures drop
  • Plant Anemone De Caen corms for a vibrant indoor display in early spring
  • Pay close attention to greenhouse ventilation, shutting vents on cool nights
  • Check greenhouse heaters are in good working order, and find out how to keep the heat in this winter
  • Maintain good plant hygiene, picking off faded blooms and dead leaves before fungal diseases can take hold
  • Look out for forecasts of early frosts and be ready to bring tender potted plants under cover
  • Move potted peaches and nectarines into a cool greenhouse or porch
How to grow hyacinths - problem solving
Pot up Hyacinths for fragrant indoor flowers.

Fruit and veg

House plants

For more house plant advice and inspiration visit our Growing and caring for house plants page. Find out how to rescue house plants in this podcast episode.

Garden maintenance

Pick off and destroy any leaves with blackspot
